Friday 5 October 2007

Christine Mendoza - Big Tits Filipina

Ethnicity: Filipino
Height: 5'4
Weight: 105
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Christine Mendoza... she's a sweetheart of a model and someone we've known since she was 18 and just starting out in modeling. She is the quintessential modFX model, and year after year we ask her to come back for another photoshoot with modFX. There is so much to Christine that you'll have to check out her website to get it all.

Hello Christine, tell us about yourself.
Hi! I'm Christine Mendoza. I'm originally from Ventura County, and I was born on August 7th.

What is your nationality?
I am full Filipino.

What is the first thing that people notice about you?
The first thing people probably notice about me are my eyes. I have really big eyes, and my eyes kinda change colors, depending on my mood, it can change from brown to hazel green.

What's the second thing people notice about you?
My smile.

What's the third thing?
heh heh.. well if you're a pervert, you'll notice my boobs first!

So any big changes in your life recently?
Well, I finally got my own apartment and I'm living on my own now, so that's a pretty big change.

Are you still single?
Yeah I'm still single. I'm just trying to focus on my goals and career right now, but if the right guy comes along, then that would be cool too!

Do you have any pets to keep you company?
I've got a bull terrier. I wanted a cute fluffy dog at first, but I ended up getting a bull terrier because he was actually a birthday present for me. My friend who bought it actually matched the dog to my personality. Bull terriers are known to be aggressive, independent, and loyal, which describes me too! I named him Bully because since he was a puppy he's been bullying around other dogs.

What would give you a good impression of a guy?
It's in the way he carries himself and his body language. If he comes up to me all slithering and sly, it's a big turnoff to me. I like guys who are sorta old-fashioned, respectful, and who look me straight at my eyes and not down here at my boobs. I like the bring-home-to-mom kind of guys.

Three words to describe yourself?
Ambitious, considerate, and sometimes, hotheaded... I can be really snappy sometimes, so look out! heh heh

Do you ever get wild and crazy?
I come off kind of quiet and reserved at first, but once you get to know me, yeah, I can be quite a handful!

Where's one place in the world you'd like to go?
Egypt! I think the whole pyramids and pharaohs of Ancient Egypt and mummies is really interesting, and it's a place that not very many people get to experience. I'm a history buff, so I'd like to go and bask in the whole history of Egypt.

What's something about you that nobody knows?
I'm not telling.. heh heh

What kind of food do you like?
I love sushi. I could eat that every day of my life and not get tired of it. I'm not much of a cook. But I can clean though! I'm the master of cleaning!

What makes you feel sexy?
Something that makes me feel sexy is panties. I have the biggest panty collection! Even if I wasn't all done up, just wearing sweats and a big T-shirt, but I'm wearing a cute little panty, it makes me feel really sexy.

Have you done any traveling this year?
I just got back from the Philippines so that was pretty fun. And I go back to Hawaii about 4 times a year, my favorite place!

Tell everyone about your first photoshoot with us.
Well, I was one of modFX's first models. I was basically a guinea pig! The photographer didn't know anything about lighting (hehe). He was a beginner and so was I. We didn't have much of a wardrobe, just boxer shorts and a tank top. But it was a great experience, and I'm very grateful that we're still working together because you guys were the first ones to shoot me!

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