Friday 5 October 2007

Sasha Singleton - Thai and Irish-Scottish Beauty

Ethnicity: Thai/Irish/Scottish
Stats: 34-24-33
Height: 5'6
Weight: 110
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Sasha Singleton is arguably the most popular and well known model of the import scene. She practically invented the role of an import model, having got her start in the scene before anybody knew what it was all about. More recently, in their countdown of the top 25 cover models of all time, Import Tuner Magazine named Sasha Singleton as their #1 pick for the sexiest woman ever. Her four-page photo spread features our very own modFX photos! Check out the magazine spread right here. Learn more about Sasha in her modFX interview below:

Hi Sasha. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hi everybody, I'm Sasha Singleton! I was born on Christmas Day 1978 in Santa Monica, California. I'm Thai and Irish-Scottish, which makes me a mutt!

Do you speak Thai?
Yes, I speak Thai. I've been to Thailand many times, and I'm hopefully going again this year, because I love Thai food, the beaches over there are great and so is the shopping!

So how did you get started in modeling?
I started import modeling more than 5 years ago. I just went to some carshow, and a company called Pro Motion spotted me and asked me to pass out some flyers. From then on, I met all these people in the industry. I don't really know how it happened, it kinda happened overnight. I did Import Tuner, and was Miss Hot Import Nights and then from there everything just kind of skyrocketed.

What is your most memorable moment in all your years of modeling?
My most memorable moment has to be when this guy came to a show I was at, and this guy has to be a dedicated fan I tell you, and he had a tattoo of one of my pictures on his arm. I thought that was crazy, it's so flattering, but it's kind of weird in a way! But that definitely sticks out in my mind.

Who are your favorite fans?
I love all my fans, but I have to say that the guys from Rhode Island are the coolest fans that I've ever met. I wish I could go back there. It was just such a fun experience, and they bought every single thing that I had, so I definitely have to say you Rhode Island people are the best!

Three words to describe yourself.
Hahah nooo.. I don't like this question! hmmm, hehe, ok, I'm quiet.

Oh yeah? We hear you're wild!
I'm not wild... hahah... OK, well I'm wild yeah when I'm dancing or drinking. And what else, I'm very sweet. People might not think that, but I am. So yeah, those are my three.

What are three things that you just can't live without?
Three things I can't live without would be Ginger Ale, DirecTV, and buying purses... like I have to do that once a month, that's just my obsession!

What's the best place you've ever been to?
The best place I've ever been to I'd have to say was Belize. I did a shoot there in the rainforest, it was in the jungle. It was very different from the U.S. and it was so peaceful and tropical. I'd probably move there if I had a choice!

Where's one place you haven't been that you'd like to go to?
I want to go to Europe, hopefully I'll go there soon. I especially want to go to Spain, Italy and Paris for all the shopping!

What turns you on?
Food... hahaha... feed me, and I'll be in the mood, I guarantee you!

Who's another model you look up to?
I really like Brooke Burke because she does what I wanna do. She travels around, models, she's a mom, and she's hot... so she's my role model.

Where do you picture yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I see myself totally settled down in a house, being a housewife, a housemom, doing nothing like this, probably working a regular job too.

What has been your biggest accomplishment?
My biggest accomplishment definitely has to be finishing school even though I do all this modeling because a lot of models that do get into modeling don't finish school and don't have anything to fall back on.

Did you get noticed a lot on campus?
My last year in college it was kind of weird because guys would be bothering me, and I go to school totally in jeans, sweatshirts, glasses, and a ponytail. So I don't know how they recognized me, but for some reason guys like that Sasha better than the modeling Sasha.

Where's the craziest place you've ever got it on?
The craziest place I ever got it on was on the freeway. Yes, I was driving... don't ask... hahaha.

What's your alcoholic drink of choice?
Grey Goose vodka all the way!

So after a few shots, do you start getting pretty crazy?
Well let's see, I've been drinking vodka so much that I've noticed that I can drink 6 or 7 straight shots now without getting drunk. But when I'm out with my girlfriends that's when you have a little 'girl fun'.

Does that fun include kissing other girls?
Yeah, who has not? Can't name names, but they all know who they are!

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