Wednesday 26 September 2007

Nikki Lupian - Sexy Hungarian/Mexican Hottie

Ethnicity: 1/2 Mexican, 1/2 Hungarian
Height: 5'8
Weight: 120
Location: Los Angeles, CA

You've seen her on the cover of Import Tuner and Dub Magazine. But never like this! We have the sexy Hungarian/Mexican hottie showing off all her natural beauty for you, so check out her hot pictorial and interview below!

How did you get started into modeling?
I was about 14 years old and I got approached in a mall about modeling. I started doing it for a year, then it interfered with my school, so I stopped. I fell back into it when I was 17. Then I got out of high school and happened to know a lot of people in the entertainment industry, and got the hook-ups and got lucky.

What is your nationality?
I'm half Mexican and Hungarian.

How do you identify yourself?
I identify myself with both, I just say half Latin and half European.

What do you find sexy in a guy/girl?
In a guy, I'd have to say nice mouth, back, sense of humor. For a girl, I can't really answer that one (heh heh).

You don't find girls sexy?
Well, every girl is sexy in her own way!

What makes you feel sexy?
I'd have to say my mood because I'd get attention when I'm wearing close to nothing, and I'll get attention when I'm dressed in sweats... so it's really about how you carry yourself.

What's your favorite food?
Japanese food!

Explain that one.
Well, it's not so much the sushi, but I love Teriaki chicken and miso soup.

Do you cook?
Yes, I cook a lot of Mexican food and Italian. I'm a very good cook!

Is there a man in your life?
Not at the moment.

Somaya ReeceWhat are you looking for in man?
I'll let you know when I find it!

How about music?
I'd have to say Spanish music. I grew up on Mariachi music. Hip hop would be next.

What do you do on your spare time?
I work out, and I have two younger brothers and sisters that I hang out with any chance that I get.

So you've done a lot of photoshoots?

So describe your most memorable one.
I'd have to say this one was!! (heh heh) In a good way though... I felt really comfortable shooting with you guys. Going topless, which I've never done before, was my first experience and so it was different. But I had a lot of fun and a real good time tonight!!

What are your goals in terms of modeling?
I want to take it as far as I can get with it. I'm having fun with it, and I'm not really aiming for anything just in case it doesn't get too far, so I'm just going as far as I can.

Are there any magazines you'd want to shoot for?
Playboy definitely! I'd like to get into acting as well.

Somaya ReeceDescribe your perfect date.
Haven't had it yet! (heh heh) It's really just finding that perfect man.

What can you say about how your life is goin' right now?
There's things that has changed me as in losing people in my life. I've become stronger, I don't take anything for granted anymore. I've learned to live for today and not worry about tomorrow or next week 'cause tomorrow may never come.

How would you describe yourself?
I would say that I have a big heart. I've been taken advantage of because of that! I'd say that I'm passionate, loyal, outgoing. I'm a full Scorpio!

Any shout outs you'd like to make?
To my family and friends, and a special one to Duke. I also want to send one to my friend's new album "Fieldy's Dreams". Bye everyone!

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